Special Calf & Female Consignments
Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 11:00 AM | San Saba
In conjunction with the regular sale.
Consignments Include:
- 68 Angus calves sired out of Gardiner Angus & 44 Farms Ranch Angus bulls that have been weaned 30 plus days. Calves are long tailed and will weigh 650-750 lbs. This is a choice set of steers and heifers.
- 176 Angus sired calves that will be weighing 425-450 lbs. These calves are all aged and source verified with EID tags through the IMI program. They have had 2 rounds of Triangle 5, 2 rounds Vision 7 with Somnus and treated for lice and grubs. Will be sorted into uniform groups.
- 150 Calves out of Stabilizer bulls that are weighing 550-600 lbs. Calves have had 2 rounds of Pyramid 5 & Once PMH.
- 50 Angus calves that are out of Express Ranch and 44 Farms Angus bulls. Calves have had two rounds of Triangle 5 & 7Way. They will weigh 600 lbs.
- 180 Calves out of Hereford and Angus cows that have been weaned for 30+ days. The majority will be black and black baldies with a few being red and red baldies. Calves have had 1 round of Pyramid 5 and there will be 110 steers and 70 heifers.
- 35 Calves out of Tigerstripe cows and Angus plus bulls. Calves have had Blackleg, wormed & Synovex.
- 25 Calves out of Brangus cows and Black Charolais bulls. Calves will weigh 450-500 lbs.
Female Consignments Include:
- 6 Red Angus heifers that are all one raising that will be medium to long bred to low birth weight Red Angus bulls.
- 12 Bred ½ Red Angus ½ Beefmaster heifers that will calve for 75 days starting around the first of November. All one raising.
- 28 Red Angus cows that will start calving in November for approximately 75 days out of Hudson Red Angus bulls. Cows will be good middle aged.
PO Box 158 | San Saba, Texas 76877
San Saba: 325-372-5159 | Mason: 325-347-6361
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