Early Spring Replacement  Female Sale
Saturday, February 22 @ 10:00 AM | San Saba

Bred Cows, Pairs, Bred and Open Heifers Will Be Offered.
Over 2,000 Head Consigned!

If you need a few head or a truckload, plan to view this sale.
Cattle will be sorted and shaped into uniform groups according to age, breed, and months bred.

  • 10 Choice 3 year old Angus plus cows which 8 will have calves at their side out of an Angus bull and 2 will be long bred to same bull. Cows are very gentle and will come to feed.   (1)
  • 10 Fancy open Brangus heifers that will be ready for the bull of your choice. Heifers are out of a registered herd but sell as commercial.  They are ocv, no brands or earmarks.  Heifers are home raised, very gentle and consigned by Joey Hardman.  (2)
  • 100 Choice Angus cows with some Red Angus that will be long bred to Hereford or Angus bulls. Cows are 3-4 years old.  They will be sorted into uniform groups for your liking.  Don’t miss this set!  (3)
  • 15 Young Angus along with a few black baldie pair with Angus calves at their side and have been running back with Angus bulls with a few being 3in1’s. Cows are 3-5 years old.  The baldies will sell separately from the Angus. (4)
  • 10 Young Angus cows long bred to an Angus bull. Cows are 5 years or younger and will be calving this spring. (5)
  • 15 First calf Angus pair with a choice set of Angus calves at their side that are 40 days old. Pairs will be selling back as open for the bull of your choice.  Pairs are in great shape.  (6)
  • 10 Fancy home raised Super Baldie heifers that will be selling as open. Heifers weigh 800 lbs and are ready for the bull of your choice.  They are consigned by Sam Robinett of Deleon, TX.  Don’t miss this set, they will be ideal for a commercial heifer show.  (7)
  • 10 Home raised registered Angus cows that are coming with their second calf. Cows all go back to Deppe Cattle genetics.  They are selling as long bred to a proven registered Angus bull and should be a couple of calves at their side by sale day.  Cows are very gentle and the papers will be available on sale day.   (8)   VIEW REGISTRATION PAPERS
  • 4 Home raised registered Angus cows that are 4-5 years old that will be selling as long bred to a registered Angus or Black Limousin bull. Cows all go back to Deppe Cattle genetics.  They are gentle and easy to handle. (8a)  VIEW REGISTRATION PAPERS
  • 40 Fancy one raising set of True F-1 Tigerstripe heifers that are open and will average 800 lbs. Heifers are big, stout and are ready for the bulls of your choice.  Heifers are home raised and easy to work.  Don’t miss on this set of productive heifers.  (9)    VIEW VIDEO
  • 6 Choice Brangus heifers that will be medium to long bred to a registered low birth weight and calving ease Brangus bull. Most should calve this spring.  Heifers are all one raising and are not carrying any brands or earmarks.  Very gentle and will come to feed.  (10)     VIEW VIDEO
  • 82 Choice Brangus and Angus plus heifers long bred to low birth weight Pharo Red Angus bulls. Heifers are gentle and will come to feed.  Sorted into uniform lots.  (11)
  • 5 Angus pair that will have Angus sired calves at their side. Cows will be solid mouth, gentle and have been held open for the bull of your choice.   (12)
  • 1 Hereford pair that will have an Angus calf at her side. She is exposed back to an Angus bull and could be a 3in1.  She is solid moth.  (13)
  • 11 Angus plus cows that will be medium bred to an Angus bull. Cows are a one raising set.  They are 4 years old.(14)
  • 5 Choice Angus heifers that will be long bred to a Perkins Angus low birth weight Angus bull. There will be 1 calf on the ground on sale day.  They will be gentle and come to feed.  (15)
  • 29 Bred heifers in which 27 are F-1 Red Baldies and Chocolate F-1’s with 2 blacks that will be long bred to an Akaushi bull for easy calving. Heifers are a one raising set and will be sorted into uniform groups for your liking.  They weigh 1000 lbs and will make a good set of momma cows.  (16)
  • 4 Red cows that will be long bred to a Hereford or Charolais bull. Cows are 4-5 years old and will come to feed.(17)
  • 6 Choice Black F-1 heifers that will be long bred to a low birth weight Angus bull. Heifers weigh 1100 lbs and be the front pasture kind.  (18)
  • 65 Brangus heifers bred to start calving March 1 to low birth weight Angus and Hereford bulls. These females are all ocv, gentle and will come to feed.  Don’t miss these!  (19)
  • 18 Angus and Angus plus cows medium bred to registered SimAngus bulls. Cows are good solid mouth females and are in great condition.  (20)
  • 13 Red Angus cows long bred to registered Charolais & SimAngus bulls. Good set of middle aged cows in great condition.  (21)
  • 19 Open heifers that are ¾ Hereford ¼ Brahman. These females are all one raising and gentle.  Current on vaccinations with two rounds of Bovishield Gold OneShot.  Unique set of females.  (22)
  • 3 Young first calf Angus and black white face pair. These females will be selling back as open for the bull of your choice.  (23)
  • 24 Angus plus and Brangus heifers that are all one raising and long bred to low birth weight Angus bulls. Heifers are gentle and will come to feed.  Sorted into uniform lots.  (24)
  • 2 Angus heifers long bred to a low birth weight Angus bull. Big and stout. (25)
  • 10 Black baldie first calf pair. These heifers are big and super gentle.  Will make a great set of cows.  Calves are sired by registered Angus bulls.  Calves will be worked and vaccinated.  Ready for the bull of your choice.  (26)
  • 7 Angus first calf pair that are gentle and ready for the bull of your choice. Calves are sired by registered Angus bulls and will be worked and vaccinated.  These heifers calved in 10 days.  Really uniform set of calves.  (27)
  • 8 Angus first calf pair that are big, stout and super gentle. Calves are sired by registered Angus bulls and will be worked and vaccinated.   Ready for the bull of your choice.  (28)
  • 4 Brangus heifers that will be long bred to a registered low birth weight Hereford bull. Heifers weigh 1000 lbs and will be gentle.  (29)
  • 3 Brangus heifers that will be medium bred to a low birth weight registered Hereford or Angus bull. Heifers will come to feed.  (30)
  • 6 Brangus heifers that will be selling as exposed for 45 days to a registered low birth weight Hereford bull.(31)
  • 10 Hereford cows that will be short bred to a Hereford bull. Cows are 2nd and 3rd calf and will be very gentle.  They will come to feed.  (32)
  • 13 Pair with 8 Angus, 3 black motley face and 2 Red Angus that will have calves at their side out of an Angus bull. Calves weigh 250 lbs and cows have been running back with an Angus bull and could be 3in1’s.  Cows are 3-5 years old and will be sorted into uniform groups according to kind.  (33)
  • 20 Angus and Angus baldie cows that will be long bred to Angus or Hereford bulls. Cows are 3-5 years old and they will be sorted according to kind.  (34)
  • 4 Angus cows that are 4-5 years old and selling as medium bred to a Leachman Stabilizer bull. Cows are easy to handle.  (35)
  • 10 Home raised Angus heifers that will be selling as long bred to a low birth weight Angus bull. Heifers are in ideal condition and are easy to handle.  (36)
  • 60 Tigerstripe heifers that are open and will average 625 lbs. Heifers are all ocv and current on all shots.   They will be ideal for the bulls of your choice this spring.  Heifers have been handled the right way and are very gentle.  (37)
  • 60 Black F-1 heifers with a few Brangus heifers that are open and will average 625 lbs. Heifers will be ideal for the bull of your choice this spring.  They are all ocv and current on all shots.  (37a)
  • 10 Angus and black white face cows that are coming with their second and third calf that will be selling as short to medium bred to an Angus bull. Cows are very gentle and easy to handle.  (38)
  • 50 Angus and black white face cows that are 2-4 years old and will be selling as long bred to Hereford or Angus bulls. Cows are in good condition and will be easy to handle.  They will be sorted into uniform groups for your liking.  (39)
  • 8 Angus cows that are 4-7 years old and will be selling as long bred to an Angus bull. Cows are gentle.(40)     VIEW VIDEO
  • 15 Angus pair that are 4-7 years old with Angus calves at their side that will be from babies to 300 lbs. Cows have been exposed back to an Angus bulls since January 23rd.  They are gentle and will come for feed.  (41)
  • 50 Home raised Red Angus heifers that will be long bred to low birth weight registered Red Angus bulls. Heifers go back to Pharo genetics.  They are very gentle and will call anywhere.  Heifers should start calving the end of February through April.  A good set of Red Angus heifers that will be a productive set of females.  (42)    VIEW VIDEO
  • 20 Home raised Red Angus heifers that will be selling as open. They will weigh 700-800 lbs and will be ready for the bull of your choice. Heifers go back to Pharo genetics and be very gentle and will come to feed.  They will make a good set of momma cows that will last you a long time.  (43)

  • 5 Young Brahman pair with F-1 calves at their side out of Hereford bulls and have been running back with Hereford bulls. Several cows will be 3in1’s.  (44)
  • 5 First and second calf Black F-1’s with calves at their side out of Angus bulls. Calves have been born in the last 30 days.  Good set of pairs.  (45)
  • 25 Open Angus plus heifers that are all one raising and ready for the bulls of your choice. Heifers will weigh 750-800 lbs and will not be carrying any brands.  Very gentle and will come to feed.  All are ocv.  Heifers are home grown near San Saba.  (46)
  • 70 Angus and Angus plus cows that will be medium to long bred to Angus or Charolais bulls. Could be a few calves by sale day.  Most of the cows will be baby tooth.  Will sort into uniform groups.  (47)   Consignment #47 will not be at the sale....sorry for the inconvenience. 
  • 25 Crossbred cows that will mostly be baby tooth and bred to Angus and Charolais bulls. Cows will be medium to long bred and sorted into uniform lots.  (48)    Consignment #48 will not be at the sale....sorry for the inconvenience. 
  • 30 Choice Super Baldie (Brangus/Hereford Cross) and Brangus cows that will be short bred to Martin-Bruni registered Brangus and Holden Ranch Hereford bulls. These are all good solid mouth cows that go back to Martin-Bruni Ranch on the Brangus side and Holden Hereford Ranch on the Hereford side.  Very good genetics in this herd.    (49)
  • 8 Angus pair that are 3-5 years old with Angus calves at their side. Cows are running back with an Angus bull and should be 3in1’s on sale day.  (50)
  • 5 One raising set of open Angus heifers that will average 700 lbs. Heifers are out of a registered Haverlah Angus bull and are very gentle.  Heifers are the right kind and will be ready for the bull of your choice.  (51)
  • 12 One raising set of English black white face heifers that have 4 calves at their side with the balance being long bred to a registered Angus bull. Heifers are very gentle and the right kind.  (52)    VIEW VIDEO
  • 30 Black and Red Angus cows that are 3-5 years old that will be selling as medium bred to either a Black or Red Angus bull. Cows are easy to work.  (53)
  • 15 Registered Wagyu heifers that will be selling as open and will weigh 600 lbs. Papers will be furnished at buyer’s expense.  (54)
  • 25 Angus or black baldie cows with some reds that will be medium to long bred to Angus or Hereford bulls. Cows are solid mouth and will be sorted according to kind and pregnancy.  (55)
  • 25 Angus or Angus baldie heifers that will be medium bred to a registered low birth weight Wilkes Angus bull. Heifers are all one raising and will have no brands or earmarks.  They will weigh 1000 lbs and be sorted into uniform groups according to kind.  (56)
  • 55 Angus along with a few black baldies or Red Angus that will be mostly bred to Black or Red Angus bulls. Heifers will be medium to long bred.  (57)
  • 13 Choice open True F-1 Tigerstripe heifers that are all one raising in which 8 will be around 650 lbs and 5 are around 500 lbs. Heifers will not be carrying any brands or earmarks.  All are home raised.  (58)
  • 7 Angus and black white face heifers that will be a one raising set and selling as long bred to low birth weight Angus bull that is in the top 10% of calving ease direct. Heifers are gentle and easy to work.  (59)
  • 12 Choice second calf Tigerstripe cows that will be long bred to a low birth weight Black SimAngus bull. Cows weigh 1100 lbs and will be in good shape.  They will start calving on the first of March.   (60)
  • 4 Tigerstripe pair that will have their second calf at their side. They will be selling back as open.  (61)
  • 12 Super Baldie heifers that will be long bred to a low birth weight Black SimAngus bull. Heifers are gentle.(62)
  • 5 Angus pair that will have Angus sired calves at their side. Cows are 5-6 years old and have been running back with an Angus bull and some could be 3in1’s.  Cows are gentle.  (63)
  • 3 Red Angus and red baldie pair that will have Red Angus calves at their side that will weigh 400-450 lbs. Cows are solid mouth and should be bred back to a Red Angus bull for 3in1’s.  (64)
  • 5 Black motley face heifers long bred to a low birth weight Angus bull. Heifers are out of Tigerstripe cows and a registered Angus bull.  Good and gentle.  (65)
  • 10 Young first and second calf Angus pair with Angus calves at their side and running back with Evans Farms Angus bulls. (66)
  • 40 Choice first calf Angus pair with Angus sired calves at their side. Cows will be selling as open for the bull of our choice.  (67)
  • 18 Fancy home raised open black and black white face heifers weighing 750 lbs plus. No brands and they are good. (68)
  • 11 Young Beefmaster and Santa Gertrudis cross cows coming with their second calves and medium bred to Red and Black Angus bulls. (69)
  • 13 Tigerstripe and crossbred second calf cows medium bred to Red and Black Angus bulls. Sorted into uniform lots.  (70)
  • 3 Tigerstripe cows that are 6 years old and medium bred to Red and Black Angus bulls. (71)
  • 3 Akaushi cows medium bred to Red and Black Angus bulls. (72)
  • 20 Young Angus cows long bred to Angus bulls. Cows come to feed.   (73)
  • 10 First calf Red Angus pair with Angus calves at their side and will be selling back as open for the bull of your choice. All one raising.  You will like these!  Pairs will have matching eartags.  (74)
  • 5 First calf pair that will be Super Black Baldies with Angus calves at their side and will be selling back as open for the bull of our choice. Pairs will have matching eartags.  (75)

15 Fancy Brangus heifers that are all one raising and long bred to low birth weight and calving ease Angus bulls.  These heifers are not carrying any brands or earmarks and will be carrying the Brangus built eartags.  Heifers will go back to Mckinnerney Ranch genetics.  (76)

  • 13 Five year old Brangus cows that are a one raising set and carrying one brand. Cows are bred to a registered Case Hereford bull and there are 5 calves already on the ground and 8 will be long bred.  A really nice set of Brangus cows.  Don’t miss this set.  (77)
  • 10 Fancy home raised open Brangus baldie heifers that are out of the above cows and a registered Case Hereford bull. Heifers will weigh 675-700 lbs.  They are current on all shots and have no ear marks or brands.  (78)
  • 2 Open red white face heifers sisters to above set that will weigh 700 lbs plus. (79)
  • 20 One raising set of Brangus heifers that will weigh 650 lbs and selling as open. Heifers are current on all shots and will be ocv.  They are very gentle and broke to cake.  (80)
  • 8 Brangus cows in which 3 are long bred and 5 will be short bred to a Brangus bull. Cows are 4 years old and will be gentle.  They will be sold according to pregnancy.  (81)
  • 4 Registered Santa Gertrudis cows that will be 3 years old and long bred to a registered Santa Gertrudis bull. Calves will be subject to registration.  Papers will be furnished on sale day.  (82)
  • 37 Open black baldie (English) heifers that are all one raising out of Angus cows and horned Hereford bulls. Heifers will be ready for the bulls this spring.  (83)   VIEW VIDEO

  • 3 Heifers that will be long bred to a low birth weight Angus bull. Two heifers will be red baldies and one will be a Tigertsripe.  (84)

  • 8 Black baldie heifers (touch of ear) that are all one raising and will be long bred to a low birth weight Angus bull.(85)

  • 45 Hereford cows that will be long bred to Hudgins Brahman bulls. Cows are 4-5 years old and will be a great F-1 factory.  Cows are gentle and are broke to cake.  They will be sorted into uniform groups for your liking.  (86)

40 Choice red, red white face, black and black white face cows coming with their third calf and long bred to registered horned Hereford bulls.  These females will be sorted into uniform lots.  Don’t miss these….They are good!  (87)

  • 50 Second calf Red Angus cows long bred to HeartBrand Akaushi bulls. They are nice.  (88)
  • 30 Charolais and Charolais cross heifers out of M6 Charolais bulls. Heifers are selling as long bred to low birth weight Shelby Red Angus bulls.  (89)
  • 4 Young cows that are long bred to a Schaefer Angus bull. 3 are black and red baldies and 1 is a Red Angus cow.  They are second and third calf and will be very gentle.  (90)
  • 1 Red Angus heifer that will be long bred to a Schaefer Angus bull. (91)
  • 10 Choice first calf pair in 7 are Brangus and 3 are baldies that have Angus sired calves at their side and will be selling back as open for the bull of your choice. Baldies will sell separately from the Brangus.  Gentle set.  (92)    Consignment #92 will not be at the sale....sorry for the inconvenience. 
  • 35 Open heifers weaned for 75 days and ready for the bulls late spring. These females are all black motley faced and red motley faced. All home raised.  (93)
  • 25 Open red and red motley faced heifers weighing 850 lbs plus. They are all home raise and ready for the bulls.(94)
  • 8 Open True F-1 Tigerstripe heifers that are all one one raising out of Hereford cows and Brahman bull. Heifers will weigh around 650 lbs and will not be carrying any brands or earmarks.  (95)
  • 10 Red Angus cows that will be 3-5 years old and long bred to Angus or Hereford bulls. (96)
  • 35 Angus along with a few baldies that will be long bred to Angus or Hereford bulls. The cows should all be baby tooth.  Baldies will sell separately from the Angus.  (97)

If you are unable to attend the sale, you can use the online auction for the sale or give us a call and we can assist you with your purchases. 

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PO Box 158 | San Saba, Texas 76877
San Saba: 325-372-5159 | Mason: 325-347-6361


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